Hello! I’m Christina Waggoner

Empowerment Life Coach and Hypnotist

Discover the secrets to having abundant success in your life


Personal Coaching is a powerful tool used to help anyone who has gone through trauma or who just feels stuck in a place of discontent. ...
Through a series specific processes, the client is made able to shift into a more empowered place where he or she can look at the same challenge from a different perspective to make more thoughtful decisions. Clients often express that they feel a sense of peace, happiness and confidence after their coaching sessions.


Hypnosis is a powerful tool to be used when you are trying to make changes in your life, but you can’t seem to make progress. ...
Your own limiting beliefs are often blocking you from breaking through. You must eliminate the limiting beliefs and create new empowering beliefs. Hypnosis is a guided process that is used to reach the subconscious mind where these beliefs are stored. While in hypnosis we are able to bypass our critical awareness and logical reasoning. Our own inner critic and over analysis are 2 of our greatest opponents to making changes. Hypnosis helps us shut them down so we can accomplish more at a faster pace.

What Is Empowerment Coaching?

Empowerment Coaching is a dynamic, collaborative process meant to move you from procrastination, struggle, stress, and overwhelm to a place of increased confidence, joy, peace, success and fulfillment in any area of your life. The steps to accessing personal empowerment involve me guiding you by asking you powerful questions and leading you through potent processes. You learn how to really quiet your busy mind and listen as you reflect and tap into your own wisdom. This process helps us in acquiring knowledge and formulating a plan. I support you as you take action and then we assess your progress. Together we refine your plan and repeat as needed. The secret to accessing personal empowerment is having trust, confidence and belief in yourself. This is where I step in to guide, motivate, and hold you accountable so you can access these qualities.

Is Empowerment Coaching for You?

Are you in a transitional period in your life?
Are you stuck not knowing which path to take?
Are you experiencing stress, anxiety, and overwhelm?
Are you ready for significant change?
Do you want to kick a bad habit?
Do you want to experience more joy?

EMPOWERMENT is so much more than just having confidence and feeling powerful. Empowerment is a state of being in which one recognizes and celebrates their own true potential. It’s rising to the challenge, maintaining positivity, trusting yourself, taking responsibility for your actions, embracing who you are (imperfections and all), taking the high road, listening to others and all the while being your own leader. The feeling so often is elusive, especially for those who are living under limiting circumstances or are feeling a sense of self-doubt and oppression on a daily basis. Although it may, at times, seem elusive, empowerment is always available for those who seek it.

Stress Management

I will teach you ...

I will teach you quick easy to use techniques to help you calm yourself and feel more in control even when you are on the go.

Relationship Skills

Clarify what it is you want ...

Clarify what it is you want from the relationship and learn to communicate that clearly. Establish and enforce healthy boundaries between the two of you. Find and maintain greater fulfillment in your relationships.

Behavior Modification

Anger management/ Releasing vices

Recognizing your triggers and learning new coping mechanisms are the keys to success in this area. Hypnosis is also a great tool to use for changing your behavior and your habits.

Goal Setting and Achievement

Creating a plan

I will assist you in becoming crystal clear on what it is you really want. Together we will map out the necessary steps. I will then train you how to foster your persistence and determination to follow through and master goal achievement.


I created this 3-part guided process. It is designed to help you release your limiting beliefs, create your bright vision for the life that you desire, anchor it in and emerge as the newly upgraded you.

1. Quiet the mind
Quiet the mind through a guided breathing/relaxation process.
2. Create a Clear Vision
I guide you to recondition your thoughts. Using my powerful visualization with affirmations process, you will establish a clear vision of who want to be and what you would love to do, have, and create in your life.
3. Anchor It In
You feel the internal shift. I help you anchor it in.

Coaching Offerings

A La Carte Sessions or Programs Available

Get Started: Meet Christina

Reach out to claim your 25-minute free consultation.

Find out how I can help you and decide if we are a good fit to work together.

My Technique

As you train with me, you will learn to connect with your own inner wisdom to help you see what is most important to you. I will guide you in that process. You will learn to notice and take advantage of the opportunities that are there for you. You will upgrade your current goals and set new ones. I will be looking for what most motivates and inspires you most and I will take on that supportive motivator roll. At times you will need extra support and at other times you will be inspired by what you are learning. Between our meetings you will take action and report back to me and we will tweak the techniques and strategies to best enhance your further growth.

We will discuss typical scenarios that you experience on a daily basis and together we will strategize on how you will shift your own response to scenarios and then you will notice that as you use your new responses the energy and the outcome will change in a more positive and fulfilling way.

What Clients are Saying

“In every case, Christina was able to give me a different perspective so I could see the situation differently thus make it easier to deal with. The processes that she used helped me delve into my mind and see things more clearly so that I understood exactly what to do. “

“She uses her vast experience, tools and education to help you get beyond your troublesome patterns.”

“Whether a person is in need of life coaching or hypnotherapy, time spent with Christina is, not only delightful, but relaxing and soothing as well. “

Only YOU can take that first step. Go ahead—Step into Your Power! Start forging your own unique path to self-change today!!

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